How to get to Bibione

A wide choice of flights, train or bus trips to Bibione

No need to worry about how to get to Bibione. The island resort is easily accessible both from the mainland and from the sea. Travel by plane if you prefer the comforts and advantages of a low cost or of a business class flight. If you’re afraid of flights, opt for train or bus trips.

Choose to drive your own vehicle or a rented car if you prefer a trip at your own pace.

By plane

There is no airport in Bibione proper, but there are several options in its vicinity. Marco Polo is both the largest and one of the closest ones and, in truth, most tourists’ favorite pick. But you can also consider landing at Trieste or Treviso: regardless of distance, airport transfer means are plenty and help you get to Bibione in no time.

Bus and train connections between these three airports and the island are available by grace of major transport operators in the region and within the province of Venice. Check their schedules and prices before you book a flight.

There is no train station in Bibione, the closest ones being in Portogruaro and Latisana, from where you will end up taking a bus anyway. The bottom line is, while trains are indeed available, bus transfers are much more straightforward and less time consuming.

By train

If you come from the west, stop at Portogruaro. From there, take one of the ATVO buses that connect virtually the entire Adriatic coastline to the key transport infrastructure joints of the region.

If you travel from the east and opt for the railroad, stop at Latisana. Buses run between Bibione and Latisana frequently, but do check their schedules before you organize your trip.

See the updated list of trains, schedules, prices and other useful information by visiting Trenitalia []. You’ll also be able to make an idea about whether trains are for you a reliable solution in terms of airport transfers.

By bus

With a wide coverage throughout the province of Venice, all the way to Milan and Brescia, the network of bus lines operated by ATVO connects all destinations on the Adriatic coastline, Bibione included, to the mainland. They are your best bet – and most cost efficient, for that matter – if you land at Treviso or Venice. Also, the least expensive alternative if you plan to search out the tourist highlights of the region.

Special lines throughout the tourist season are usually made available by SAF and ATAP. Compare prices and schedules to see what pairs best with your vacation plans.

There are several bus stations in Bibione, called autostazioni, all located in the center of the resort.

Please check the data below to learn in depth about bus schedules, routes, airport transfers, ticket prices and sale points of each of the main bus companies in the region:

Autostazione, via Maja, 86, Bibione, 30028, Venice, Italy
[email protected]
[email protected] / [email protected]
Via Candiani, 26, Pordenone, Italy

By car

There is only one way to get to the island of Bibione by car: the so called Strada Provinciale 74, which crosses Canale Lugugnana, linking the resort to mainland. This road is directly linked to Strada Statale della Venezi-Giulia (SS14), which you can use if you travel either from Venice or from Trieste.

Take Autostrada Torino-Trieste (A4) if you prefer the comforts of a motorway, but you will eventually have to exit it and reach SS14. SP 74 opens right west of San Michele Al Tagliamento, and leads you directly to Bibione.

The network or roads and motorways is fairly simple, but you can make a better idea by getting a look at it if you study the map of Bibione. Also, visit Auostrade per l’Italia to learn more useful information about rules in force drivers must abide by when using the public roads of Italy.
